Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dear Hillary,

NOW's PAC has asked me to
Send Hillary a Women's History Month card - thanking her for having the guts to run, for standing up to the media, for being a role model for girls everywhere, and for making history.


It's Women's History Month - and who is making more history for women than Hillary Clinton?

The problem is that Hillary Clinton is making history by using devious and disloyal campaign tactics. That is a horrible legacy to give to our daughters and granddaughters. Her recent behavior and tactics have made me sick to my stomach.

So, I sent a card to Hillary Clinton but I didn't use their script:

Thanks for making history and standing up for women everywhere! We appreciate you having the guts to run, for standing up to the media and for giving girls everywhere something to dream of. Happy Women's History Month!

I used my own words instead:

Dear Hillary,

I am a woman who used to admire you. Over the years, I have defended you time and time again. But this time, I cannot defend your actions because I believe that you crossed the line during this campaign. Your desperate Republican-like tactics of fear-mongering, insidious, bigoted, whisper campaigns and your support of John McCain over fellow Democratic candidate Barack Obama have disappointed me greatly.

I signed a loyalty pledge to never support a Republican candidate over a Democratic candidate. Did you sign a similar loyalty oath? Your betrayal cuts me to the core and I don’t know if I can forgive you for that.

The shame is that we have one amazing candidate who is rebuilding our party and country block by block, precinct by precinct, city by city, state by state, while the other one is trying to tear us all apart for her own ambitions.

My three daughters and I are proud to be supporting Senator Barack Obama for President. We believe that we are supporting the best candidate for the job.

Best wishes as you continue your work as a Senator from NY. I hope that you work hard to regain our respect and trust.

If you wish to send your own card to Hillary, by all means, do so here:

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