Thursday, June 12, 2008

So who pays more in taxes?

One of Senator McCain's favorite things to accuse Senator Obama on is that he's a "tax and spend liberal." This is usually followed by a hearty call of "OMG if you vote for Obama *everyone's* taxes will go up and we'll DIE!"

OK - maybe not that dour. But the basic accusation is there: vote for Obama, and "your taxes go up".

Only problem? For the majority of people, it's not true.

The Daily Kos put together some numbers from the Tax Policy Center that show the average taxpayer making less than $112,000 a year pays *less* taxes under Senator Obama's tax plan. That's right - more money to the middle class and poor that actually need it, instead of tax breaks that the wealthiest 1% never asked for (well, unless you're friends of President Bush and Senator McCain).

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