Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 to Today

Well, today is the anniversary of the day we all have come to remember as the beginning of the end as the life we knew. I remember being at work and hearing that a plane had hit the Trade Center. I knew in that moment it was terrorism. People told me it wasn't, but it was a clear day in New York, and it couldn't have been a mistake. Then, the second plane hit. I was sure of my first inclination. It didn't take too long, and we were on our way to Afghanistan. Then out of no where, we jumped into Iraq, had our constitutional rights taken away, and our current administration tried to force us into a box life of fear and submission. That may have worked 50 years ago, but today, we are a nation of truth seekers, and those days of absolute obedience are over. We are free thinkers. We have been accused of not being patriotic because we question our administration's motifs, but I say we are more than patriotic because we do question. We are trying to protect ourselves and others from the misguided notion that we must give up rights in order to be safe. In fact, it is just the opposite. The more we hunker down, and give into fear, the more we are vulnerable to dictatorship, and history tells us how well that turns out. This government, our government, was based on the rights of its citizens to speak out against injustice. The Constitution is our law. So, today, on this day, we remember not only to mourn for the loss of the lives on 09-11-01, but we should remember to live and fight for the people that are still being victimized by 9/11. This tragedy has taught me that we need to always be vigilant. Not only in regard to the situation at hand, but to also keep looking behind the scenes. Especially when it comes to selecting leaders. We must select leaders with integrity and honor. They must always be true to what is in the best interest of the American people. I have found this in Barack Obama. He is who I have chosen to be the leader of the United Stated of America.

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