Saturday, September 8, 2007

This Just In: Morons Work For Fox News

I apologize for the non-Obama blogging, but this was too confounding to pass up. I was watching Faux News yesterday (sometimes I tune in to recreationally hate it) and a makeup-caked Shepard Smith delivered this gem:
"'......[quoting latest Osama Bin Laden video] neo-conservatives such as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Perle.....'[Smith interjects] You remember Richard Perle, the Wall Street Journal journalist who was killed over there."

To review: Richard Perle is one of the neo-conservative architects of the Bush foreign policy. Daniel Pearl was the assassinated American journalist in Pakistan. And Shepard Smith is an idiot.


bobnbob said...

Faux news is the propaganda station - that's all - nothing more and I can't even become angry with what they "report". As a laughingly have told my father in law - "I can't talk about politics with your for two reasons - you voted for the Village Idiot and you actually believe what you hear on Faux News - and you used to be such a smart man, what happened to you?"

Phillip said...

Fox news is clearly a Republican television network. A network cannot be "Fair and Balanced" when it is a one-sided station. It could say "White and Conservative" and many people would agree that the slogan is very accurate.