Friday, September 7, 2007

Kos' Selective Memory

Kos temporarily (possibly, but that remains to be seen, I guess.) takes leave of his senses, or conveniently forgets facts, as he waxes moronic:
So where are the two "front runner" candidates on Iraq? Have they conquered their fear and actually said something of substance regarding the pre-emptive capitulation bill?
There's more, of course, but you can read it for yourself. Basically, Kos accuses Obama (and Clinton) for not being aggressive enough on Iraq and credits (naively) John Edwards and Chris Dodd for their brave leadership.

Well, it's easy for a guy who isn't in the Senate (who, by the way, voted FOR this mismanaged, immoral war against his better judgment) and a Donahue-coiffed guy who doesn't have a shot. It's much more difficult to speak out on a controversial issue when it's politically unpopular to do so. Kos asserts there's a dearth of information about Obama's stance on Iraq on his campaign's website, but he apparently missed this. Oh, and this, too. Obama has done more than most on this subject. His stance has been unwavering. That's leadership.

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