Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hillary's "Experience" In Foreign Affairs

The most prevalent meme out of the Clinton camp is that she is the candidate of experience. This is a farce. A lie. And, indeed, the narrative dichotomy of this campaign has already been determined: we must choose between the experienced candidate (apparently Clinton) and the candidate who will turn the page (clearly Obama). That is a rather narrow depiction of this race, but it's the one we've got right now. While the Obama meme is accurate, Clinton's is patently and demonstrably false. That doesn't stop her from trying, though. Especially in foreign affairs, where she routinely touts she's visited 82 countries. Well, that tired line doesn't fool anyone, in particular Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Carter National Security Adviser:
"I would say my travel agent has probably been to more than 82 countries," Brezezinski said with a smile, "but that doesn't qualify my travel agent to be secretary of state or president."
No, it certainly doesn't. Neither does being married to the president. When people talk about Hillary's experience, they evidently include the eight years she was First Lady. Being married to the guy who knows and does stuff is not the same thing as knowing and doing stuff. It doesn't show a grasp of policy and ability to courageously lead as, say, correctly opposing a war when it is politically unpopular to do so. Brzezinski understands that and draws the distinction between Obama and Clinton:
Being First Lady is not the same thing as showing, on her own, that she understands what is really at stake in a situation, and to understand it early on, and not to understand it when a lot of other people have belatedly reached the same conclusion.

1 comment:

Phillip said...

Hillary's inexperience in politics is revealed when she says in her debates, "I am going to wait one year before speaking with Cuba...". Procrastination is not a policy which the presidency can afford. The president is most able to get their policies passed in the first 2 years of the presidency. Therefore, Hillary is going to waste a precious year to start to hammer out policies with foreign nations. The American people do not a president that is hesitant on the job. Instead, the American people need a president willing to action, and proceed with the best interests of the nation. Barack Obama clearly demonstrates the leadership this nation needs, and will do what is best for the American people not what is best for his cronies.